We manufacture and sell frozen foods, such as frozen fried oysters for wholesale, fried chicken cartilage, and fried chicken tender cutlets.

Basic information

Company name OHBUN CO.,LTD
Head office address 799-0701
620-1 Nakamura, Doi-cho, Shikokuchuo-shi, Ehime prefecture 799-0701
Capital 11,000,000 yen
Founded 1887 (The former OHBUN CO.,LTD begins operations)
Established February 2013
Executive director Yasuyuki Azechi
Director Akinori Kawano
Director Etsushi Nakai
Auditor Takeyuki Mineharu
Number of employees 77 (as of the end of February 2024)
Business details Manufacturing and sales of frozen prepared foods and fish-paste products


1887 The company is founded as a seafood processing business
1892 Ohbun Fisheries Processing Co. is established
1961 Ohbun Suisan Co. is established
1974 Ehime factory is established (Ehime Prefecture)
1993 Company name is changed from Ohbun Suisan Co. to OHBUN CO.,LTD
February 2013 Begins operations as a subsidiary of Yoshimura Food Holdings K.K.
March 2013 Head Office is moved to Shikokuchuo City, Ehime Prefecture